Consumers advantage From Vegetable Fillers in Taco Bell Meats

Taco Bell Meat Lawsuit - Consumers advantage From Vegetable Fillers in Taco Bell Meats

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Consumer groups implicated that the Taco Bell fast food chain's beef is not pure meat have filed suit in California, claiming false advertising on the part of the fast food giant. Attorneys for unhappy consumers claim that the "ground beef" in the chain's food is only 35% meat while the rest is a mix of vegetable based ingredients.

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Taco Bell Meat Lawsuit

The food chain defends its beef product claiming it is purchased from the same "trusted brands you find in the supermarket," specifically Tyson Foods a multinational meat corporation based in Arkansas. Agreeing to Wikipedia, Tyson supplies beef to most of the major fast food chains as well as to the largest grocery store chains in the Us.

Taco Bell executives claim that their beef product is enhanced with seasonings and other ingredients to give it a "signature Taco Bell taste and texture." Agreeing to the associated Press, the lawyers for the plaintiffs found that the food chain's meat product had chile pepper, onion, tomato powder, oats, soy lecithin, soybean oil, garlic, cocoa and monosodium glutamate.

Problems with Beef
While the lawsuit against Taco Bell seeks only to have the company relate it's ingredients honestly, the implication that vegetable products in the meat lower its capability may be misinformed. Even lean ground beef is 62% fat, much of it saturated fat which stimulates the body to produce cholesterol. Agreeing to Dr. John McDougall, beef has one of the top levels of cholesterol of any meat. Appealing saturated fat and cholesterol lead to clogged arteries, hypertension, heart disease and cancer.

Beef from large facility farms like those operated by Tyson Foods or its contractors have been implicated in potentially risky bacteria contamination like e coli that can spread among cattle in the crowded conditions on facility farms. High levels of antibiotics, drugs, pesticides and other toxic chemicals have also been found in mass produced meats.

Antibiotics used to protect facility farm cattle from disease can get in human consumers, potentially lowering resistance to bacterial infections like tuberculosis and putting people at risk when they compact diseases needing antibiotic treatments.

Benefits of Vegetable Fillers
The sorts of vegetable fillers that Taco Bell puts in their meat products pose fewer health risks than pure cow muscle. While extremely processed vegetable proteins do not supply capability nutrition, they are relatively benign compared to the health risks posed by the animal products they replace. Monosodium glutamate (which is sold under other trade names like "autolyzed yeast extract") any way causes migraine headaches in many consumers.

Given that vegetable proteins consist of no cholesterol, no saturated fats, and fewer bacteria or other pollutants, a higher measure of vegetable products in the meat product benefits consumers. A complete elimination of animal products from the fast food chain's menu would promote public health and reduce environmental problems posed by facility farms especially in the South and Midwest.

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