Taco Bell Menu - Tips and Guide to Writing a Proposal that Will Wow Your Client
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The key to securing new enterprise is in construction a relationship with your prospective clients and showing them you can delivery exactly what they want. A well-constructed proposal can do this for you and can dramatically growth sales and business. Don't miss the sample proposal at the end!
First Steps
The first step of the process to securing new enterprise is of course production the contact. Once you have the taste or you must build the enterprise relationship. This can as a matter of fact be done through a straightforward meeting, either in someone or on the phone, to shape out your clients needs and wants. The next key step to the processes of securing new enterprise is to take the needs and wants of the client and information out how your can deliver exactly what they are looking for and come to be there "Go To" for the job!
A detailed proposal should be sent to the client within 24 enterprise hours of the "needs and wants" conversation with your prospective client, if not sooner. If the task they are looking for is needed immediately the quicker your response time the better. This may mean they need the proposal within an hour or two. A quick response time to the client will do many things to growth the relationship and potential for securing business:
Quick Response Time in Delivering Proposal Will:
1. Show your interest in their enterprise and doing business
2. present your enterprise as productive and responsive, which is a key in enterprise and shows you contribute ability customer service
3. Place you in the forefront of the race for the new business, if the client is accepting multiple proposals
4. Deter the enterprise from reaching out for other proposals and contacting your competitor
5. Begin the process of the enterprise cycle and make it easy for the enterprise to deliver a Yes on contracting you for the project
Drafting The Proposal
This will be a guide for the format and content of drafting an perfect proposal. Your will need to modify the proposal for your client and business, of course.
A proposal should be exact to your client and there needs and wants. It should reflect your company's ability to delivery a excellent product/service in a timely manner.
The introduction should speak directly to your taste and refer to him/her by name to generate a personal relationship with the proposal.
After your personal introduction, contribute and introduction to your company. contain the following:
o What you do (describe your product(s) or service(s) along with those the client may not be aware of so they understand the scope of your work)
o How long you have done this and/or who your other clients are (this will be a resume of sorts and show your stability, qualifications and track description for your work and references)
o List exact clients that you have worked for and providing similar work to. This may be company's in their same business or companies that you have provided the same work to. (Listing these clients will supplementary your qualifications to contribute work for the new client)
The Work or The Product
The next section will recap the work or the product you will be delivering to the client.
The work or product should be described in great detail. The more details the better. If it is a step by step process construe the steps the will be done.
Sell your service/product here in this section.
The "Methodology" is " particular course or set of procedures" or "the pathology of the ideas or procedures of inquiry in a particular field". The common idea here is the collection, the comparative study, and the critique of the personel methods that are used in your field.
If applicable to your aid or product, this section will be used to contribute explanation of your methods and procedures of work. It will give the client understanding into your mental and methods for execution of project.
Write out the lowest line. It will plainly be "this work will be $____".
This section will be as detailed as needed for your service/product. If you are unsure of the scope of aid or products desired by the client you may contain options or separate out costs so the client may "pick and choose" what is needed and within budget.
In delivering to a client it is essential to profess professionalism. This of course includes, delivering what is promised. The client should be given a timeline or deadline for when the product or aid will be delivered. Do Not Promise What You Cannot Deliver. It is good to overestimate the time you need to faultless your work than underestimate and break your promise to a client.
If the timeline and deadline are dependent somewhat on the client information out what the client must contribute and when you will need it. Or you can make your timeline based on when they deliver what is needed. (See example below under "Timeline" in sample proposal.)
Include instructions on the next step:
How to getting started or move forward from here
How to accept this proposal
How to send payment
What is needed next?
In closing thank your client for the acceptance of the proposal and/or for their consideration.
Make sure to contain your name, your title, your company's name, and taste information. The more taste data the better. Give them as many ways to taste you as potential and let them pick which is most convenient.
It is a good idea to contain success stories at the end of your proposal to supplementary the trust in your enterprise and superiority of your product/service.
o Remember a proposal is a bonding agreement
o Write your proposal in a confident, up tone fashion
o Make sure it is detailed and contains only truth
o Do not promise what you cannot deliver
o Follow up on your proposal(s). Nothing beats live communication.
o If the client declines your services do not shy away from asking "why". It may give you essential data for the time to come or an chance to re-negotiate the current proposal with the client.
o As a tip for your business, you can check http://www.cashunclaimed.com to see if you or your enterprise are owed unclaimed money from the government. 8 out of 9 Americans are owed money. You can apply this money in marketing efforts to gather new leads to send proposals too!
Sample Proposal:
May 27, 2006
Bob Smith, Vp of Operations
Model condition Products
14500 Plaza Drive Suite 600
Los Angeles, Ca 91700
Dear Mr. Smith,
Pursuant to our conversation and conversations with Model condition Products Associates, the following is a proposal for Top ability Video to yield a promotional video for Model condition Products.
Before proceeding with the proposal, however, and while it would appear you are already familiar with our work, I will take the liberty of providing a brief introduction to Top Quaity Video.
Top Quaity Video was created to fulfill the myriad of production and film needs both corporate and commercial. We contribute full-scale production needs along with filming, casting, script writing, lighting, direction and editing.
Our products contain music videos, short and full-length films, commercials, corporate videos, training videos, event videos and television programs.
Our clients contain multi-million dollar enterprises such as Taco Bell and we have also produced work for countless other clients and businesses both large and small.
Specifically, with regard to your work and your product, we have conducted corporate and promotional videos for Dr. Richard Manger, who is in the condition products field and we have created promotional videos for Susan Vummers Aerobic products and Chop master 1000 as seen on the Home Shopping Channel.
I have also taken the liberty of placing some of the success stories from our website at the end of this proposal.
The Work
Top Quaity Video will film for 8 hours for Model condition Products at a agreed upon and scheduled date.
We will contribute all tool needed for filming the interviews of Model condition Products clients. This will contain broadcast ability cameras for filming, tripod, lighting tool (if required for shooting location), and audio equipment.
The footage captured from the interviews will be captured and burned onto Dvd for Model condition Product's review.
After a recap of the footage, yourself and any others complex in the decision production process will instruct on which footage or interviews, or portions thereof, to contain in the final video.
This can be edited by Top ability Video without your input, if preferred. We can offer 15 years taste to the task and edit per this knowledge and our discretion.
A promotional video will be edited and will contain titling graphics, smooth transitions between sections, music, clear audio and filters to add increased visual quality.
Methodology of Work
Top ability Videos will submit the drafted script to Dr. Swelling and his company for their review, critique and editing suggestions, if any.
This script will be written to enlighten the public about the details and benefits of Model condition Products skin creams and cleanses. The script will contain testimonials from clients, details and opinions from medical professionals not related with Model condition Products to show unbiased approval of products and will be hosted by a female host who has used the product and will act of the company's spokes person.
Our studies have shown a female between the ages of 30 and 35, who is between 5' 6" and 5' 8" and is a size 6 with light brown or darker blonde hair, is most trusted and garnishes more sales for condition products. (Please note: This is fictional data made up for example in sample proposal only. This is not an actual statistic or study. I do not wish to cause confusion or a false statistic.)
Take fee of Your condition will need to recognize an esthetically pleasing location for shooting and ensure a quite atmosphere. This is essential for both the visual of the film and the sound ability of the audio captured while filming.
Top ability Video will hold casting interviews with potential hosts for the video. After option of the host(s) we would like to advise a read through with you and your company at Model condition Products as well as the Top ability Video's team in order to ensure the shoot derives the footage and content desired for the video.
We would like to advise that questions be considered drafted by Model condition Products for the doctors and clients to elicit the responses desired for the video. Also, an interviewer with in-depth knowledge of Model condition Products work and/or clients would be an asset to the ability of the content elicited from the clients while the interview.
The last hint is that exact clients be requested to share in the interview process based on their level of enthusiasm, ability of success stories and statistics or details of data they have to share.
Option #1 for Cost Section of Proposal: Broke out and detailed. Good if end product or aid has some unknowns or they may be budgeting and take only obvious items or services. It allows you to give them options.
Adverting, interviewing and casting, script drafting, tool provision, 8 Hours filming, set up and tear down 00.
Burning all client interviews and other raw footage to Dvd for introductory recap will be 5.
We are not aware of the length you are looking for and number of content desired for the final video. Here are the prices for a 15-minute and a 60-minute video. Please let us know which you would prefer to have.
A fully edited, ready for viewing 15-minute promotional video will be 0.
A fully edited, ready for viewing 60-minute promotional video will be 95.
If needed or wanted we can contribute a more detailed 60-minute video.
Package for Extended content Video, 60-minutes:
If needed or wanted we could add a second day of filming and film introductions of Model condition Products personnel, details of the Prescott program, "About Us" and any other come on dissemination techniques. This 60-minute video could also be broken up into chapters on a main menu screen for easy viewing options and productive use. The total price on this video would be 95 and would contain 2 days of filming (day 1 - client success stories and day 2 - filming at Model condition Products), 2 days worth of footage burned to Dvd for introductory viewing, a fully edited 60 slight video with success stories, chapters and supplementary content on Model condition Products agenda and company.
Option #2 for Cost Section of Proposal: All in one price. Good if end product or aid is straightforward and sold as total package.
Advertising, casting interviews, hiring and payroll for host(s), tool and staff provisions along with cameras, lighting equipment, camera operators, audio equipment, and direction, 8 Hours filming, set up and tear down, fully edited 20-minute promotional video with sound design, primary score, titling, smooth transitions and 4 hours of re-editing, if needed, 95.
This investment will pay off very handsomely by your enterprise owning a top ability promotional and marketing video and materials that can be used for in office viewing, on Tv, for a mail marketing Dvd to potential customers, as an online clip, etc. The marketing uses for this video are endless and this one time video can produces years of sales and exponential growth in a short number of time for Model condition Products.
Our fees are paid 50% to start and 50% upon delivery of the final report. Or if the full number is paid to start, we contribute a 5% discount.
Option #1 for Timing Section of Proposal: Broke out and detailed due to unknowns or circumstantial timing deadlines. This is ideal if the completion of your aid or delivery of your product is dependent on the client meeting obvious targets. The timing and completion is then factored based on them providing the essential data or tools needed for you.
The timing on this particular task will vary depending on the following scheduling points:
1. A date and time will need to be scheduled for filming the client interviews and seminar.
2. The raw footage Dvd's can be completed within 10 days of the introductory filming.
3. The recap the footage and editing decisions on content for the video will be needed.
4. Once those decisions have been made a meeting between the in fee for the task at Model condition Products via phone or in someone would be essential to recap the desired content and style for the final video. These requests should also be written and provided to Top Quaity Video to ensure we double your requests correctly.
5. The final video will be completed within 2 weeks of receipt of the instructions for the video.
Option #2 for Timing Section of Proposal: straightforward timeline and promise for completion. This is ideal if the delivery of the product/service is straightforward and is dependent solely on your enterprise or with minimal requirements from the client.
We will guide the study on your enterprise and product, write the script, cast, film and deliver the final video with in 4-6 weeks from the date we receive payment.
Mr. Smith, if you have any comments or questions, please give me a call or taste me via e-mail. If this proposal meets with you and your company's understanding and agreement, please so indicate by return e-mail and the approved invoice will be sent.
Thank you very much. We appreciate the opportunity.
Steve Tranger
Vp of Operations
Top Quaity Video Inc.
1200 Pch Suite 200
Malibu, Ca 91700
800-500-1111 extension 115
323-555-1212 Mobile
888-952-0000 Fax
Success Stories from our clients:
30 Second Commercial
"The 30 second commercial spot that Tqv made for us increased our sales by 40%. The commercial is flawless and communicates the ability of our company. Thank you Tqv."
Best Regards,
Sam Adams, President
Best Products nearby Inc.
Corporate Video
"You followed our requests to a "T" and delivered a video that we use multiple times daily. Our employees are curious in growing with our enterprise and looking forward to management positions due to your video. I cannot tell you what it has meant to our enterprise to have an inspired team of employees and the ability to promote from within."
Scott Sofa,
Johnson & Mohnson
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